Katarina Anastasia Rasputina Romanovna
Name |
Katerina Anastasia Rasputina Romanovna |
Image |
Aliases |
Katherine Hulster (legal), Kat, Trina |
Date of Birth |
December 21st, 2013 (age in 2030:16) |
Place of Birth | Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation |
Date of Death |
- |
Place of Death |
- |
Species |
Changeling |
Gender |
Female |
Height |
5'7 |
Weight |
? |
Hair Color |
Depends on the day |
Eye Color |
Ice Blue |
Skin Color |
Pale |
Parents | Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov, Unknown Father |
Siblings |
None she knows of |
Spouse |
None |
Children |
None |
Occupation |
Student |
Affiliations |
Alignment |
Chaotic |
Archetype |
Daughter of Anastasia Romanov and an unknown faery lord (possibly the Elfking), Katerina's birth was the result of a complex plan on the part of a coven of witches, whose end remains unknown.
Her mother, born in 1901, spent the majority of the 20th century in a Faery realm, and aged only when she emerged in 2012 to birth her daughter. Katerina has not physically visited the realm, but has traveled there in dreams numerous times, albeit not yet aware of its nature.
Her Changeling nature has necessarily brought her powers--with a particular flair for color magic. Said powers led to a spot of trouble when a series of unfortunate accidents claimed the lives of several of her schoolmates--matching exactly the details she had drawn so expertly in her sketchbook. However, she was saved from the ravages of the law--and, more importantly, the wrath of the Eldritch Knights--by the actions of Violet.
St.Petersburg, Russian Federation/Birth-4.5 yrs old

Kat was born in St. Petersburg. From the time she was born until the time they fled the Russian Federation her mother kept her locked away in a tight attic room when she wasn't under close supervision elsewhere in the house. Kat's mother thought she could protect her daughter from fate if she just limited her access to anything dangerous. In her vein attempt at running away from fate Anastasia flooded her child's early childhood with Disney movies to blanket her in a world of fantasy.
Alas, Anastasia never could have expected that her own efforts would actually awaken Katerina's powers, and bring her closer than ever before to jumping down the rabbit hole towards destiny's door. Her metaphorical white rabbit came one night after she finished staying up "late" to watch Peter Pan. As she was dozing off in her pink canopy bed she gazed longingly out the window at that magical place where the trees meet the skyline at twilight, and thought of how great it would be if Tinkerbell could actually come to her window one night and help her fly out that window and see the world.
Katerina woke up but a moment after falling asleep as a bell rang like the one that usually called her to breakfast. She jumped from her bed in a startled fashion, and started getting dressed as if she was late for breakfast. She was completely changed before she realized that the dark sky had just finished taking the sky in to night time. Kat was confused. What could make that sound if it wasn't the bell for meal time? She listened to the dead silence closely for a few minutes before the bell sounded again, and again, and again. She traced the sound to her window and opened it slowly.
Within moments a small figure zoomed right past her face, leaving a trail of glittering dust behind her.
To be continued.....
Paris, France/4.5-9 yrs old)
French Coven
On Kat's 8th Birthday she went to see her favorite ballet,Swan Lake, at the Opera Garnier.
The Russian Ballet had been visiting the Opera house, and had brought Kat's favorite story to life in dance. She couldn't keep her eyes off the dancer that played Prince Siegfried. His movement mesmerized her. She wanted to be swept away by that prince, the prince of her dreams. Unfortunately, it was their last performance and she thought she might never get to see him again after that night. As the curtain fell, Kat felt so much fear. She panicked as she thought about how she would never get to gaze upon him again. In this state of mind she wasn't thinking very clearly, so she got up from her seat and ran away through the crowd. She had to get away from her "Aunts" if she was going to find her Prince before he disappeared forever.
She ran around the back of the building, hoping she might find her prince as he exited from the backstage doors. Lucky for her, the dancers were all filing out as she approached the backstage entrance. Unlucky for her, she came in at such a quick pace(and on a rainy day, no less) that she slipped and fell back on her butt as she arrived at the doors. This was just in time for her Prince to walk through the doors and see her sad face sagged in shame as she struggled to get up from the ground in front of him. As soon as he saw her he was immediately startled to be so close to the target of his mission, but her gaze rested on the ground so his face didn't betray his surprise.
He swiftly shook off the surprise, and put on his biggest smile. He slowly offered his hand to her and said, "Here, let me help you up."
Kat smiled briefly as she looked up at the Prince, and then she took his hand as he helped her to get up. She was overwhelmed not just by this gesture of kindness, and the embarrassment of her fall, but sheerly by being able to meet the kind of Prince she had always dreamed of. She didn't know what to do with these feelings. She had never had a crush before. This combination of feeling confused her and she started to cry.
She tried to choke out the words to express how his dancing made her feel, but as his gaze met her tearful eyes she could tell that he knew. The Prince just looked at the young girl, took out a handkerchief, handed it to her, and said, "Dry your eyes little one, your Prince is here. There is no more need to cry. You can trust me."
As he spoke those simple words her crying slowly subsided, and she beamed a bright smile up at her kind savior. "Am I pretty enough to be your Princess if you ever lose Odette?"
He looked at the hopeful little girl waiting anxiously for a response, and his smile grew even larger.
As the Prince was about to give her a response he heard the loud sound of a large dog running in their direction, but he couldn't leave this hopeful child without an answer worth remembering.
As that thought crossed his mind the swan dancers glided out of the backstage area, just behind the Prince's back. As the woman playing Princess Odette passed behind him he subtly stole the crown off of her head, placed it on Kat's head, and said "You're the most beautiful Princess I could ever hope for. When you're old enough I will search you out and make you my bride"
As he finished the statement he leaned over, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and whispered,"If you should ever need me, just cry into that handkerchief, and I'll come to your rescue, no matter where you are."
As he turned around and darted into the darkness the dog barking got closer, and as it turned the corner behind them the dog came into view. Kat immediately recognized the beautiful Akita. It was Rupert's dog form that was running towards her, with his tongue flapping in front of him. She thought Rupert was coming towards her, but as she spread her arms to embrace him he ran straight right by her. Rupert ran in the same direction as her recently departed Prince.
As her "Aunts" rounded the corner,with a menacing look on their faces, Kat knew that they had done something to Rupert. She didn't like it when the witches used their magic to manipulate her pets, but she knew what to do when that happened.
"Rupert,come NOW!"she said with a voice that had so much power behind it that it made her "Aunts" almost cower.
Rupert and her Aunts both reached her position at the same exact time. One of them went over to Rupert and blew some sort of magical dust in his eyes. The dust made the dog's eyes glaze over for a moment, and the witch gazed into Rupert's eyes to see a reflection of Kat's Prince. The second of her Aunts went over to the dog and wiped his nose to collect a human hair. The third of her keepers gathered that hair and watched it burn up in a flash of green fire on the palm of her hand. As the green fire fell back into the darkness her Aunts looked at each other, nodded, the oldest of the three slapped her so hard that it left a red hand print, and they said in unison, "He is dangerous. You have to watch out for his kind. They always want something, but they're never willing to tell you what that is"
They seemed to speak non-stop on the ride back home, maybe giving her more reasons to worry about "his kind", but Kat wasn't interested in their fear mongering. She really just pretended to listen as she stared at the embroidered kerchief her Prince gave her, and she started imagining the next time they would cross paths.
Little did she know that the initials embroidered on the handkerchief, NPS, stood for Nicholas Petrovych Stolypin, and his motives were complicated, to say the least.